OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 22 Teams.In order to establish a divisional league with EIGHT Events, there was a schedule draft to determine team schedules in each division for Events 1 to 7. Events 3, 6, and 8 were the inter-divisional matches. Event 8 is the League Championship with team matchups determined by the divisional team standings. The TDG league has TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced.
COURSES Riverside, White River, Gaffney's Grove, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Shelton Springs, Evergreen State College, South Fork, Delphi, Fort Steilacoom.
OLYMPIC DIVISION Artillery Wayouts White River Airstrike Kitsap Bok Squad Lakewood West Sound Oly Fenwick MaCo Riverside
CASCADE DIVISION Mythic Birdie Scoundrels Gaffney's Goonies North Benders Mandos Owtkasts Sasquatch Pajama Jammers OLdY Happy Little Trees
CHAMPIONS League Champion - Mythic Olympic Division - Artillery Cascade Division - Mythic MVP - Matt Broers
2023 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 22 Teams.In order to establish a divisional league with EIGHT Events, there was a schedule draft to determine team schedules in each division for Events 1 to 7. Events 3, 6, and 8 were the inter-divisional matches. Event 8 is the League Championship with team matchups determined by the divisional team standings. The TDG league has TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced.
COURSES Riverside, Shelton Springs, White River, Evergreen State College, Kitsap Fairgrounds, South Fork, Gaffney's Grove, Delphi, Fort Steilacoom, Horseshoe Lake.
OLYMPIC DIVISION Artillery West Sound White River Wayouts Kitsap Oly MaCo Fenwick Airstrike Lakewood Riverside SeaTac
CASCADE DIVISION Sasquatch Bogies R' Us Mandos Happy Little Trees Pajama Jammers Mythic North Benders Gaffney's Goonies OLdY Rejects
CHAMPIONS League Champion - Artillery Olympic Division - Artillery Cascade Division - Sasquatch MVP - Sam Huff
2022 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 18 Teams.In order to establish a divisional league with EIGHT Events, there was a schedule draft to determine team schedules in each division for Events 1 to 7. Events 4, 7, and 8 were the inter-divisional matches. Event 8 is the League Championship with team matchups determined by the divisional team standings. The TDG league has TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced.
COURSES Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, Horseshoe Lake, Shelton Springs, SeaTac Park, Delphi, Woodland Creek, South Fork, Evergreen State College, Gaffney's Grove, Kayak Point.
OLYMPIC DIVISION West Sound Riverside Oly Airstrike Artillery Lakewood Wayouts SeaTac MaCo Fenwick White River Kitsap
CASCADE DIVISION Gaffney's Goonies North Benders Sasquatch Pajamma Jammers Rejects Bogies R' Us
CHAMPIONS League Champion - West Sound Olympic Division - West Sound Cascade Division - Gaffney's Goonies MVP - Prescott Mabbutt
2021 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 5 Events and 18 Teams.Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season will be shorter than normal with a focus on social distancing and the use of digital scoring. In order to establish a divisional league with FIVE Events, there was a random draw to determine team schedules in each division for Events 1 to 4. Events 2 and 5 were the inter-divisional matches. Event 5 is the League Championship with team matchups determined by the divisional team standings. The TDG league has TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced.
COURSES Lakewood, SeaTac Park, Shelton Springs, Delphi Golf Course, Fort Steilacoom, Woodland Creek, St. Martin, Gaffney's Grove
OLYMPIC DIVISION Airstrike White River Fenwick Oly SeaTac West Sound Lakewood Wayouts Artillery Kitsap MaCo Riverside
CHAMPIONS League Champion - Gaffney's Goonies Olympic Division - Airstrike Cascade Division - Gaffney's Goonies MVP - Jeff Snowden
2020 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 22 Teams. In order to establish a divisional league with EIGHT Events, there was a random draw to determine team schedules in each division for Events 1 to 7. Event 8 is the League Championship with team matchups determined by the divisional team standings. The TDG league has TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season was suspended after Event 6. Team standings after Event 6 determined the division champions.
COURSES Riverside, White River, Lakewood, SeaTac Park, Shelton Springs, McAllister Park, Bud Pell at Ross Farm, Fort Steilacoom, Evergreen State College, Woodland Creek, St. Martin, Gaffney's Grove, South Fork Landing, Scott Lake.
OLYMPIC DIVISION Oly Wayouts SeaTac Riverside Fenwick West Sound Airstrike Kitsap White River MaCo Artillery Lakewood
CASCADE DIVISION Benders Sasquatch Putt Pirates Bogey Knights Over Primed Magic Gaffney's Goonies Black Velvet Rejects OLdY
CHAMPIONS Olympic Division - Oly Cascade Division - North Benders MVP - Todd Rapacz
2019 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 32 Teams. In order to establish a league of eight Events, there was a random draw to determine team schedules in each division for the regular season. The TDG league has THREE divisions (North, Central, and South). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced. At the League Championship, the North and Central divisions will compete for the League Champion.
COURSES Lakewood, White River, Riverside, Shelton Springs, McAllister Park, Fort Steilacoom, SeaTac Park, Horseshoe Lake, Twin Rivers, Sedro Woolley (NSRA), Tall Firs, Terrace Creek, Silver Lake, Frost Creek, Woodland Creek, St. Martin, Evergreen State College, Gaffney's Grove.
NORTH DIVISION Arlington Eagles Frost Creek Yetis DISCfunctional Vernon Marauders Silver Lake Ogopogos Lake Stevens Blowflies Church Creek Nomads Sedro Woolley Mammoths Terrace Creek Blaine Hyzer Bombs Juel Nation Jubernaut
CENTRAL DIVISION Artillery Airstrike West Sound White River Oly Lakewood SeaTac Wayouts Kitsap Fenwick Riverside MaCo
SOUTH DIVISION Bogey Knights Magic Over Primed Fear the Beards Rejects OLdY Black Velvet Gaffney's Goonies
CHAMPIONS League Champion - Artillery North Division - Arlington Eagles Central Division - Artillery South Division - Bogey Knights MVP - Alison Mabbutt
2018 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consists of 8 Events and 26 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team will NOT play every team in the league during the regular season. Teams will be divided into THREE divisions (North, South, and South). There was a random draw to determine team schedules in each division for the regular season. PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with all 26 teams being matched up by their regular season divisional standings. The Final Event was held at Fort Steilacoom.
COURSES Lakewood, White River, Riverside, NAD Park, Shelton Springs, Fort Steilacoom, SeaTac Park, Horseshoe Lake, Twin Rivers, Tall Firs, Sedro Woolley (NSRA), Lake Stevens, Terrace Creek, Silver Lake, Frost Creek, Woodland Creek, St. Martin, Evergreen State College.
CENTRAL DIVISION Oly West Sound MaCo Fenwick Artillery Airstrike Lakewood White River Wayouts Riverside Kitsap SeaTac
NORTH DIVISION DISCfunctional Frost Creek Yetis Terrace Creek Arlington Eagles Lake Stevens Blowflies Jubernaut Wolley Mammoths Silver Lake Ogos
SOUTH DIVISION 710 BHR Over Primed OLdY WCP Rejects Lords of the Fling
CHAMPIONS Central Division - Oly North Division - DISCfunctional South Division - 710 MVP - Don Anderson
2017 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consists of 8 Events and 26 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team will NOT play every team in the league during the regular season. Teams will be divided into TWO primary divisions (North and Central). There was a random draw to determine team schedules in each division for the regular season. PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with the North and South divisions teams being matched up by their regular season divisional standings. The Final Event was held at Fort Steilacoom. The TDG league expanded this year to include the South division of six teams.
COURSES Lakewood, White River, Riverside, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Shelton Springs, Fort Steilacoom, SeaTac Park, Horseshoe Lake, Twin Rivers, Tall Firs, Sedro Woolley (NSRA), Lake Stevens, Terrace Creek, Silver Lake, Woodland Creek, St. Martin, Evergreen State College.
CENTRAL DIVISION Kitsap Wayouts Oly Lakewood Maco Riverside Airstrike Artillery West Sound White River SeaTac Fenwick
NORTH DIVISION Terrace Creek DISCfunctional Silver Lake Ogos Lake Stevens Blowflies Arlington Eagles Jubernaut Frost Creek Yetis Sedro Woolley Mammoths
SOUTH DIVISION Lords of the Fling 710 OLdY Do it in the putt Wondergems Olympic Discs
CHAMPIONS Central Division - Kitsap North Division - Terrace Creek South Division - Lords of the Fling
2016 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consisted of 8 Events and 18 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did NOT play every team during the regular season. Teams were divided into TWO divisions (North and Central). Each division played at different courses for each Event, except at the Final Event. There was a random draw to determine team schedules for each division for the regular season. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with all teams being matched up by their regular season divisional standings. The Final Event was held at Fort Steilacoom.A pre-season Event was held at Tall Firs before the league started to establish player ratings for the North division expansion.
COURSES Lakewood, White River, Riverside, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Tall Firs, Fort Steilacoom, SeaTac, Shelton Springs, Twin Rivers, Ferndale (VanderYacht), Sedro Woolley (NSRA), Lake Stevens
CENTRAL DIVISION West Sound Fenwick Kitsap Airstrike Riverside Lakewood Maco Artillery SeaTac Wayouts Oly White River
NORTH DIVISION DISCfunctional Arlington Eagles Woolley Mammoths Lake Stevens Blowflies Whatcom Wizards Jubbernaut
CHAMPIONS Central Division - West Sound North Division - DISCfunctional
2015 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consists of 8 Events and 12 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did NOT play every team during the regular season. There was a random draw to determine team match-ups. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings. The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Shelton Springs.
COURSES Lakewood, Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, SeaTac, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Tall Firs, Shelton Springs.
TEAMS Wayouts Airstrike Fenwick Maco West Sound For Pete's Sake Chainbangerz Oly Kitsap White River Artillery Riverside
CHAMPIONS Team Wayouts
2014 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consists of 8 Events and 12 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did NOT play every team during the regular season. There was a random draw to determine team match-ups. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings (1 v. 2, 3 v. 4, etc). The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Shelton Springs.
COURSES Lakewood, Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, SeaTac, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Bud Pell at Ross Farm, Shelton Springs.
TEAMS Chainbangerz Riverside West Sound Fenwick Kitsap Steily Infantry White River Wayouts Oly Steily Artillery MaCo Spartacus Moose
CHAMPIONS Team Chainbangerz
2013 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consisted of 8 Events and 12 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did NOT play every team during the regular season. There was a random draw to determine team match-ups. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings (1 v. 2, 3 v. 4, etc). The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Shelton Springs.
COURSES Lakewood, Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, SeaTac, Kitsap Fairgrounds, NAD Park, Shelton Springs.
TEAMS Oly Fenwick Kitsap Steily Infantry Chainbangerz Riverside White River Steily Artillery MaCo Spartacus Moose West Sound Wayouts
2012 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW The TDG league consisted of 8 Events and 12 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did NOT play every team during the regular season. There was a random draw to determine team match-ups. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings (1 v. 2, 3 v. 4, etc). The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Shelton Springs.
COURSES Lakewood, Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, SeaTac, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Bud Pell at Ross Farm, Shelton Springs.
TEAMS Steily Spider White River Riverside Oly MaCo Kitsap Steily Sumo Wayouts Chainbangerz Spartacus Moose West Sound Fenwick
CHAMPIONS Team Steily Spider
2011 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW There was a total of 8 Events and 10 Teams. In order to keep the season short, each team did not play every team during the regular season. There was a random draw to determine team match ups. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings (1 v. 2, 3 v. 4, etc). The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Shelton Springs. A preliminary Player Handicap establishing Event was held at Lakewood the week before the league started.
COURSES Lakewood, Fort Steilacoom, Riverside, White River, NAD Park, SeaTac, Kitsap Fairgrounds, Shelton Springs.
TEAMS West Sound (NAD) Steily K White River MaCo Kitsap Steily T Chainbangerz Wayouts Riverside Oly
CHAMPIONS Team West Sound
2010 Washington Team Disc Golf - History
OVERVIEW There was a total of 6 Events and 6 Teams. Teams played every team during the regular season. The TDG league concluded at the Final Event with teams being matched up by their regular season standings (1 v. 2, 3 v. 4, etc). The league started in January with matches approximately every other weekend for 12 weeks. The Final event was held at Fort Steilacoom.
COURSES Fort Steilacoom, NAD Park, White River, Yauger Park, Lake Isabella, Terrace Creek.
TEAMS Steily White River Oly Wayouts MaCo West Sound (NAD)