MISSION The mission of the Washington State Team Disc Golf League (TDG) is to provide a social environment to foster competitive and progressive handicapped disc golf play for all skill levels of the players that have contributed to the community to grow the sport of disc golf. The TDG league is a fundraiser event to benefit the growth of disc golf in Washington State.
OVERVIEW The TDG league will consist of 8 Events and 22 Teams. To establish a divisional league with EIGHT Team Matches (Events), there will be a Schedule Draft to determine the team schedules in each division. The TDG league will be divided into TWO divisions (Olympic and Cascade). PDGA Rules, PDGA Competition Manual, and the spirit of the game will be enforced.
COST & PAYOUT Teams will provide a sponsorship “Donation” to the TDG league prior to the start of the season. The team “Donation” is $400 and will be used for TDG league expenses and the “Course Improvement Fund” that will be used to fund community course projects. Changes to a team’s roster after an event “Team Match Sheet” is posted will incur a $25 “Donation” per roster change. Roster changes after Event 3 shall require approval by a TDG League Director and reserved for unexpected circumstances (injury, family, etc.) and will incur an additional $50 “Donation”.
TEAMS & PLAYERS Teams will have at least SIX, but no more than NINE players on the Roster. There are no player restrictions for a team, although a mixed team of Amateur, Women, and Professional players would be preferred. Team Rosters must be submitted at least THREE weeks prior to the start of the First TDG Event. Players shall compete in at least TWO singles matches to be eligible to play in the League Championship. Players shall only play in ONE doubles match per Event. Players shall play in ONE singles match prior to playing in a SECOND doubles match from the start of TDG league.
EVENT FORMAT Event team match consists of TWO teams competing for TWO rounds. The format for each round will be FOUR matches of Handicapped standard play Singles and ONE match of Handicapped best shot Doubles. Before the AM Round, a coin flip will be used to determine which team will submit their scorecards to the other team for the AM Round. Teams will alternate for the PM Round. If a team can only field FIVE players for the required round matches, then the doubles match is fielded first, and all other matches are played as singles. If a team can only field FOUR or less players for the required round matches, then all matches will be played as singles. Matches not fielded are forfeited.
TEAM CAPTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES for TDG LEAGUE PLAY 1. Submitting and setting their team roster and collecting funds for the team “Donation”. 2. Determining their team’s player lineup for each round of TDG league play. 3. Coordinating with the opposing team Captain to determine league event matchups. 4. Submitting player scores and “W L T” records to a League Director for each league event. 5. Host (or co-host) ONE TDG Event at an approved course. 6. The “Host” team will prepare the course, layout, and any special course rules. 7. The “Host” team will take care of all course arrangements and course full notifications. 8. The “Host” team is responsible for setting the course layout one week prior to the Event.
EVENT SCORING Each player in a winning match will earn ONE point for their team. Teams will forfeit ONE point per player for each match that they don’t field. Any match ending in a tie will earn a ½ point to each player. The total team points for the TWO rounds will determine the “W L T” for the Event. Results from each Event shall determine the divisional standings based on the “W L T” record. TWO Event “Ties” are equal to ONE Event “Win”. A player with an incorrect player handicap recorded on the scorecard prior to the match start and the error is noticed after the round is completed will receive a ONE throw penalty.
The divisional team standings are determined by the team’s WIN percentage. The tiebreaker rule used in determining the divisional standings will be as follows: 1) Team with the higher total team points. 2) Team that won the previous match-up during the current league. 3) Team single Event “W L T” record in a descending order from the previous Event to Event 1 until tie is broken. 4) Team single Event “points” in a descending order from the previous Event to Event 1 until tie is broken. 5) Coin Flip (Best 3 of 5) with Captains alternating coin flip choices. The team with the better prior year divisional rank will have the first coin flip choice.
ACE PRIZE The Ace Prize is complimentary and available to all players on a TDG team roster playing in an Event round. At the end of the TDG season, players with an Ace will be rewarded $50 per Ace. TDG doesn’t have a traditional Ace Prize. If there are no Aces, then no Ace Prizes awarded.
HANDICAPPING SYSTEM The PDGA rating system is used to determine the Round Ratings. The TDG handicapping system uses the estimated Course SSA, Official Player Ratings, and TDG Round Ratings to determine a Player’s Event Handicap. All players must have a handicap prior to playing in a TDG match. Handicaps will be calculated before each Event. Any rated round that is SEVENTY points below a TDG Player’s Rating will not be used to calculate their handicap for the following Event. Doubles rounds are not rated. Handicaps used for the Doubles matches will be determined by using the handicap of the player with the Lower Handicap (Higher Player Rating) from each doubles team.
A player without an official rating, calculated from events with round ratings, shall use a "Captain Rating" established by their Team Captain. If a player with a "Captain Rating" performs better than +3 throws than their TDG Player’s Rating, then the match will be forfeited. The "Captain Rating" will be removed from the TDG Ratings Calculator after playing TWO singles matches. Players with a “Captain Rating” shall play in TWO singles matches prior to playing a doubles match.
Player Handicaps are dynamic will be different for each Event due to the course difficulty and Player Ratings being updated after each Event. The TDG Ratings Calculator contains complex calculations. Player Handicaps are displayed on the Event Team Match Sheets. A Player’s Event Handicap will be determined by using a Player’s Rating (PR) from the TDG Ratings Calculator and the Event Course Estimated SSA to set the Rating Points per Throw (RP/T). The calculated Event Player Handicap values will be rounded to the nearest 0.5 increment. The 0.5 increment handicap could result in some matches that will not end in a tie.
The Course Estimated SSA will be used to determine the “Event Handicaps” for each Event.
SSA =Rating Points per Throw; 46=11, 47=10.7, 49=10.3, 50=10.1, 51=9.9, 52=9.6, 54=9.2, 55=9, 56=8.8, 57=8.5, 59=8.3, 60=7.9. RP/T values may use 0.1 increments, if desired.
PLAYER RATINGS The starting Player Ratings are established for WA Team Disc Golf (TDG) by using an objective order of preference from known calculated round ratings. During the TDG season, Player Ratings will be updated after each Event based on the player’s performance in singles matches. Using the PDGA latest update before the start of the TDG season, the starting player ratings will be determined by the following criteria, in descending order, until a Player’s Rating is established.
1. PDGA Rating with 8 or more rated rounds. 2. TDG Rating with 5 or more rated rounds (previous two years, priority to last year). 3. PDGA Rating with 7 or less rated rounds. 4. TDG Rating with 4 or less rated rounds (previous two years, priority to last year). 5. Player’s rated rounds from a recent PDGA sanctioned event(s). 6. If NO history of rated rounds, then a “Captain Rating” will be established.
TEAM CAPTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES for EVENT DAY PLAY 1. The TDG website is the official source for Handicaps, Standings, and Results. 2. Captains will ensure their team follows the official PDGA rules of play (marking lie, holing out, etc.). 3. TDG uses the designation of “league play” for PDGA competition manual requirements. 4. Only a player’s opponent in a match can concede their completion of a hole. 5. Captain winning the coin flip will decide which round to determine matchups. 6. Captain will submit Scorecards to other team 30 minutes before the scheduled round start time. 7. Scorecards - Pick up in the morning from a League Director. 8. Scorekeeping - Paper Scorecard or Digital scoring using UDisc league. 9. Scorekeeping - Player groups will use two independent scorekeeping methods. 10. Players with a “Captain Rating” have special rules to follow. 11. Players shall only play in ONE doubles match per Event. 12. Players shall play in ONE singles match prior to playing in a SECOND doubles match. 13. Players shall play in TWO singles matches as soon as possible. 14. Team Match Sheets - The official record and result for the Event. 15. Team Match Sheets - Use “W L T” to indicate a player’s match result. If NA, leave Blank. 16. Team Match Sheets - Each player WIN is (1) point. Each player TIE is (½) point. 17. Team Match Sheets - Record the player’s GROSS SCORE (not the Handicapped score). 18. Team Match Sheets - Competing teams will submit ONE Team Match Sheet. 19. Team Match Sheets - Submit to a League Director at completion of the Event.
EVENT SCORING POLICY 1. The team event starting hole assignments (3 holes) will be determined before event day and posted on the Event Team Match Sheets at the WATDG website. 2. Event Scorekeeping will be performed by using a primary scoring method (UDisc League) and confirmed by another player in the group by using a secondary method (UDisc or scorecard). Doubles teams will use UDisc League and only list one player from each team to keep score. After completion of the round, the scores will be compared and transferred to the Team Match Sheet for Event results. All submitted “W, L, T” results are final.